AmiChat is a wizard based application that follows an easy to use, step by step approach to creating or editing a chart.
AmiChat is a wizard based application that follows an easy to use, step by step approach to creating or editing a chart.
AmiChart animated charts are deployed as Flash (.swf file) movies and play in the Adobe Flash player plugin. The Adobe Flash plugin is installed in 99% of browsers on the internet so your site visitors will be able to see your charts immediately, without the need to down or install any software.
AmiChart supports a wide variety of charts with an X and Y axes: column charts, stacked column charts, line graphs. For each type there are a wide variety of animations for each type.
AmiChart provides an amazing array of pie chart styles and animations.
Charts are created from a flexible array of data sources. Your can add your data to AmiChart Studio in any of the following ways:
Choose the "display values" option for column charts and the value of each column appears when the user moves the mouse over the column.
AmiChart lets you easily and simply create and manage a set of chart styles that you can merge with any data source to create a new chart.
With the advanced AmiChart Generator edition you can even produce charts on the fly for your website by running AmiChart Generator on your webserver and have it generate charts from data contained in a generated text file. AmiChart generator is more appropriate to high end users who require charts that can be generated 'on the fly' 24/7 from live data.
You can upgrade from the standard AmiChart Studio to AmiChart Generator for a modest fee and use all of the charts that you created with AmiChart Studio with AmiChart Generator to make them 'on the fly' charts displaying live data.